Adding extensions to the standard interactive of python

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I want to add the following extensions to the standard interactive mode. The reason behind is that I can use the python shell as a user interface.

- create a history of commands so I can reuse typed commands with arrow up and down keys. It should be save to a file when the shell is closed so I can reload it when the next interactive sesion is started

- create a linux like autocomplete function usiing the TAB key. When I type "os." and hit TAB I want a list off all the names in the name space to be printed. Also if I start typeing something like "os.__nam" I want the "e__" to be automatic aded.

- hide different objects from the user

I know this has already been done (u just need to import a specific module) but I don't know where to look.

Thank you very much in advance

PS: I am writing in Elglish because I don't know German very well.
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Registriert: Freitag 20. Juni 2003, 16:30

You are looking for IPython, this is nearly a must-have tool for Python programmers ;)
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