PIL, convert RGB to HSV

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Registriert: Sonntag 16. November 2008, 15:34

Code: Alles auswählen

import PIL.Image    
import ImageMath

class Converter:
	def __init__(self):
	def getHsv(self,Pic):
		Bands = Pic.split()
		Rs = Bands[0]
		Gs = Bands[1]
		Bs = Bands[2]
		Buffer = ImageMath.eval("max(r,g)", r=Rs, g=Gs)
		MaxOuts = ImageMath.eval("max(bf,b)", bf=Buffer, b=Bs)
		Buffer = ImageMath.eval("min(r,g)", r=Rs, g=Gs)
		MinOuts = ImageMath.eval("min(bf,b)", bf=Buffer, b=Bs)
		Diffs = ImageMath.eval("float(x - y)", x=MaxOuts, y=MinOuts)
		Valids = ImageMath.eval("x > 0", x=Diffs)
		IsRMaxs = ImageMath.eval("x == y", x=MaxOuts, y=Rs)
		IsGMaxs = ImageMath.eval("x == y", x=MaxOuts, y=Gs)
		IsBMaxs = ImageMath.eval("x == y", x=MaxOuts, y=Bs)
		Buffers = ImageMath.eval("x != y", x=IsGMaxs,y=IsRMaxs)
		CleanIsGMaxs = ImageMath.eval("x & y",x=Buffers,y=IsGMaxs)
		Alones = ImageMath.eval("x != y", x=IsBMaxs,y=IsRMaxs)
		CleanIsBMaxs = ImageMath.eval("x & y",x=Alones,y=IsBMaxs)
		Alones = ImageMath.eval("x != y", x=CleanIsBMaxs,y=CleanIsGMaxs)
		CleanIsBMaxs = ImageMath.eval("x & y",x=Alones,y=CleanIsBMaxs)
		StepSize = "40"
		Offset = "95"
		t = ""
		t += "int("
		t += "Valid * ("
		t += "IsRMax*("+StepSize+"*((g-b)/Diff)+"+Offset+")"
		t += "+CleanIsGMax*("+StepSize+"*(2+(b-r)/Diff)+"+Offset+")"
		t += "+CleanIsBMax*("+StepSize+"*(4+(r-g)/Diff)+"+Offset+")"
		t += ")"
		t += ")"
		#print "t:"
		#print ">%s<"%t
		Hues = ImageMath.eval(	 t
		Saturations = ImageMath.eval(
		Values = MaxOuts
		return Hues,Saturations,Values		
	def getHsvSlow(self,Pic):
		StepSize = 40
		Offset = 95
		Size = Pic.size
		Bands = Pic.split()
		Rs = Bands[0].getdata()
		Gs = Bands[1].getdata()
		Bs = Bands[2].getdata()
		Length = Size[0]*Size[1]
		Hs = [0] * Length
		Ss = [0] * Length
		Vs = [0] * Length
		i = 0
		while i < Length:
			r = Rs[i]
			g = Gs[i]
			b = Bs[i]
			B = (
			   (r == g and r == b and (0,r,0,0,r))
			or (r >= g and r >= b and (	   (g >= b and (0,r,g,b,b))
										or (b >  g and (0,r,g,b,g))
			or (g >= r and g >= b and (	   (r >= b and (2,g,b,r,b))
										or (b >  r and (2,g,b,r,r))
			or (b >= r and b >= g and (    (r >= g and (4,b,r,g,g))
										or (g >  r and (4,b,r,g,r))
			Diff = float(B[1]-B[4])
			if Diff > 0:
				Hs[i] = int(Offset+StepSize*(B[0]+(B[2]-B[3])/Diff))
				Ss[i] = int(Diff/B[1]*255)
				Vs[i] = B[1]
				Hs[i] = 0
				Ss[i] = 0
				Vs[i] = B[1]
			i += 1 
		HPic = PIL.Image.new("L",Size)
		VPic = PIL.Image.new("L",Size)
		SPic = PIL.Image.new("L",Size)
		return HPic,SPic,VPic

FullPath = r"Bild.bmp"
Pic = PIL.Image.open(FullPath)

C = Converter()

Hl,Sl,Vl = C.getHsvSlow(Pic)
H,S,V = C.getHsv(Pic)

Beiträge: 128
Registriert: Freitag 22. Oktober 2004, 09:22
Wohnort: Salzgitter

Code: Alles auswählen

            B = (
               (r == g and r == b and (0,r,0,0,r))
            or (r >= g and r >= b and (       (g >= b and (0,r,g,b,b))
                                        or (b >  g and (0,r,g,b,g))
            or (g >= r and g >= b and (       (r >= b and (2,g,b,r,b))
                                        or (b >  r and (2,g,b,r,r))
            or (b >= r and b >= g and (    (r >= g and (4,b,r,g,g))
                                        or (g >  r and (4,b,r,g,r))
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