Support für Ukraine - 992 Spiele für min. $10 Spende

Alles, was nicht direkt mit Python-Problemen zu tun hat. Dies ist auch der perfekte Platz für Jobangebote.
Beiträge: 1367
Registriert: Montag 14. Mai 2018, 14:44
Wohnort: Kreis Unna NRW

Eventuell findet das der eine oder andere genauso gut wie ich und spendet (und wird in seinem restlichen Leben nie alle 992 Spiele anspielen :-) )
Bundle for Ukraine
A bundle hosted by Necrosoft Games with content from 733 creators.
Buy 992 items for $10 Regularly ~$6,552 Save 99%!
The people of Ukraine are under attack. As game developers we want to create new worlds, not to destroy the one we have. That's why we've banded together to present this charity bundle to help Ukrainians survive this ordeal and thrive after the war ends. This cause has resonated with creators around the globe, to the extent that our bundle contains almost 1,000 games, tabletop RPGs, books, etc.

Over 700 creators have joined in support to donate their work. All proceeds from this bundle will be split between the following charities:

International Medical Corps provides medical assistance in the region. They have very low fundraising overhead (1% of income), with 89% of donations going to medical aid and 10% to administration.
Voices of Children, a Ukrainian organization that helps children cope with the horrors of war, PTSD, readjusting to school, and getting back to being kids. They have also been doing a lot of grassroots impromptu work during the war, such as helping set up shelters. Our hope is that this war will be over soon, and they can begin the work of healing these kids' hearts.
Of these nearly 1,000 products, more than 600 have never been in a major bundle before. Several prominent developers and publishers signed up to specifically to be in this bundle. And there's something for everyone - we have almost 600 digital video games, over 300 analog tabletop RPGs, and dozens of asset packs, books, zines, and comics, soundtracks/music, and a host of other products. Also unique to this bundle, we only allowed paid products.

We kept the minimum low, but we highly urge you to pay above the minimum if you can afford to do so. All proceeds will be split between the charities 50/50.

We stand with Ukrainians, and with all people around the world who despise war.

Thank you.

Please note: No Steam (or other external keys) will be given for bundle purchases. Only direct downloads will be available on the page.
Ich bin Pazifist und greife niemanden an, auch nicht mit Worten.
Für alle meine Code Beispiele gilt: "There is always a better way."
Beiträge: 13239
Registriert: Samstag 2. Juni 2018, 10:21

Wo wir schon beim Thema sind: Darf Python in Russland überhaupt noch verwendet werden? Ich meine: schaut euch doch mal das Farbschema an. Woher haben die das gewusst, als sie damals das Logo erneuert haben? Spooky. 🙂
Please call it what it is: copyright infringement, not piracy. Piracy takes place in international waters, and involves one or more of theft, murder, rape and kidnapping. Making an unauthorized copy of a piece of software is not piracy, it is an infringement of a government-granted monopoly.