Google Places API Seite weiter geht nicht

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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Montag 30. März 2020, 14:01

Hi Freunde ich habe mich am Wochenende mal an einen Scrawler ran gesetzt, der mir Daten von Google Places crawlen soll. Soweit so gut es funktioniert alles auch einwandfrei nur bei einem Punkt hakt es irgendwie.

Das Script übermittelt mir immer nur die ersten 20 Einträge und geht nicht automatisch eine Seite weiter.

Kann mir eventuell jemand helfen?

Hier die Dokumentation von Google: ... chRequests

Hier der Code:

Code: Alles auswählen

# import the library
#pip install googlemaps
#pip install prettyprint
#pip install xlsxwriter
import googlemaps
import json
import pprint
import xlsxwriter
import time
# Define the API Key.
# Define the Client∏
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key = API_KEY)
# Do a simple nearby search where we specify the location
# in lat/lon format, along with a radius measured in meters
places_result  = gmaps.places_nearby(location='52.557473, 13.378011', radius = 50000, open_now =False , language = 'de' , type = 'restaurant')
place_result  = gmaps.places_nearby(page_token = places_result['next_page_token'])
stored_results = []
# loop through each of the places in the results, and get the place details.
for place in places_result['results']:
    # define the place id, needed to get place details. Formatted as a string.
    my_place_id = place['place_id']
    # define the fields you would liked return. Formatted as a list.
    my_fields = ['name', 'formatted_address','formatted_phone_number','website']
    # make a request for the details.
    places_details  = my_place_id , fields= my_fields)
    # print the results of the details, returned as a dictionary.
    # store the results in a list object.
# -------------- DUMPING VALUES IN EXCEL -----------------------
# define the headers, that is just the key of each result dictionary.
row_headers = stored_results[0].keys()
# create a new workbook and a new worksheet.
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(r'/Users/f/Desktop/NeuerOrdner/restaurant.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
# populate the header row
col = 0
for header in row_headers:
    worksheet.write(0, col, header)
    col += 1
row = 1
col = 0
# populate the other rows
# get each result from the list.
for result in stored_results:
    # get the values from each result.
    result_values = result.values()
    # loop through each value in the values component.
    for value in result_values:
        worksheet.write(row, col, value)
        col += 1
    # make sure to go to the next row & reset the column.
    row += 1
    col = 0
# close the workbook