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Alle vorhandenen DocTests ausführen...

Verfasst: Mittwoch 3. August 2011, 16:07
von jens
Wie kann man eigentlich alle vorhanden DocTest ausführen???

Ich hab mit das gebastelt:

Code: Alles auswählen

SKIP_DIRS = (".settings", ".git", "dist", "python_creole.egg-info")
SKIP_FILES = ("", "")

def run_all_doctests():
    for root, dirs, filelist in os.walk("../", followlinks=True):
        for skip_dir in SKIP_DIRS:
            if skip_dir in dirs:
                dirs.remove(skip_dir) # don't visit this directories

        for filename in filelist:
            if not filename.endswith(".py"):
            if filename in SKIP_FILES:

            sys.path.insert(0, root)
            m = __import__(filename[:-3])
            del sys.path[0]

            failed, attempted = testmod(m)
            if attempted and not failed:
                filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)
                print "DocTest in %s OK (failed=%i, attempted=%i)" % (
                    filepath, failed, attempted
Die Ausgaben (bei python-creole) sehen dann z.B. so aus:
DocTest in ../tests/ OK (failed=0, attempted=4)
DocTest in ../tests/utils/ OK (failed=0, attempted=2)
DocTest in ../creole/html_parser/ OK (failed=0, attempted=3)
DocTest in ../creole/rest2html/ OK (failed=0, attempted=1)
DocTest in ../creole/shared/ OK (failed=0, attempted=4)
DocTest in ../creole/creole2html/ OK (failed=0, attempted=3)
DocTest in ../creole/creole2html/ OK (failed=0, attempted=3)
DocTest in ../creole/creole2html/ OK (failed=0, attempted=4)
File "../creole/html_tools/", line 59, in strip_html.strip_html
Failed example:
u'<strong>foo</strong> <ul><li>one</li></ul>'
1 items had failures:
1 of 7 in strip_html.strip_html
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
DocTest in ../creole/html_tools/ OK (failed=0, attempted=4)
DocTest in ../creole/html_tools/ OK (failed=0, attempted=6)

Das muß doch irgendwie einfacher gehen, oder?

Re: Alle vorhandenen DocTests ausführen...

Verfasst: Mittwoch 3. August 2011, 16:24
von deets