https Zugriff per xmlrpc

Sockets, TCP/IP, (XML-)RPC und ähnliche Themen gehören in dieses Forum
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Dienstag 8. Oktober 2013, 12:14


ich habe ein Script gefunden, welches mir sehr bei der Auswertung unseres Wikis weiterhelfen könnte. Wenn ich dies allerdings mit einer https URL versuche, erhalte ich einen internal SSL Fehler vom Server zurück.

Code: Alles auswählen

ssl.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:392: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error
Laut Paketmitschnitt überträgt das Programm keine Session-ID beim TLS Verbindungsaufbau. kennt jemand diesen Fehler und kann mir weiterhelfen, danke.


Anbei das Script:

Code: Alles auswählen

# A Python script that lists the names of all pages in a given set of Confluence spaces.
# It puts the page names and space keys into a text file of a specific format,
# as required by the "Check duplicate pages" script "".
# See the README for a description of the expected file format.
# This script works with Python 3.2.3
# This script works with Confluence 4.0 or later. It uses version 2 of the Confluence XML-RPC API.
# Note: You could probably change it to use version 1 of the API, with Confluence 3. I have not tested that.
# Friendly warning: This script is provided "as is" and without any guarantees.
# I developed it to solve a specific problem.
# I'm sharing it because I hope it will be useful to others too.
# If you have any improvements to share, please let me know.
# Author: Sarah Maddox
# Source:
# Usage guide:

import xmlrpc.client

pages_list = ""
spacekeys = ""
spacekeys_list = []

# Get from input:  Confluence URL, username, password, list of space keys, output file name

print("G'day! I'm the pagelister Python script.\nGive me some Confluence spaces, and I'll list their pages.\n")
site_URL = input("Confluence site URL (exclude final slash): ")
username = input("Username: ")
pwd = input("Password: ")
spacekeys = input("Space keys (comma-separated, case insensitive, no spaces): ")
output_filename = input("Output file name (example: 'pages.txt'): ")

spacekeys_list = spacekeys.split(",")

# Open the output file for writing. Will overwrite existing file.
pages_file = open(output_filename, "w+")

# Log in to Confluence
server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(site_URL + "/rpc/xmlrpc")
token = server.confluence2.login(username, pwd)

# For each space key, get the list of pages and write them out to a file

for spacekey in spacekeys_list:
    pages_file.write("Spacekey=" + spacekey + "\n")

    pages_list = server.confluence2.getPages(token, spacekey)
    pages_count = len(pages_list)

    for page in pages_list:
        pages_file.write(page["title"] + "\n")

print("All done! I've put the results in this file: ", output_filename)