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Problem Python / ASP / IIS / Journyx

Verfasst: Dienstag 17. Juli 2007, 12:12
von KING_M

ich bastle nun seit geraumer zeit an der Implementierung des Zeiterdassungsproramms "Journyx".

Die installation des Dienstet sowie die einbindung in den IIS erfolgte ohne Fehler!!

Dennoch bekomme ich beim öffnen der WebPage folgenden Fehler:

Python ActiveX Scripting Engine Fehler "80020009'

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<Script Block >", line 3, in ? timesheet_axclient.handleRequest(myRequest) File "", line 1259, in handleRequest AttributeError: 'daemon_config' module has no attribute 'MAX_ASP_WAIT_TIME'

?, line 0

Bitte sagt mir dass Ihr eine Idee bzw. Lösung parat habt...oder liegt es gar nicht am Python??


Das gesamte teil läuft auf einem Windows 2003 Small Business server
Ausser die WindowsServer Standart Page läft nix auf dem IIS!

Bitte um HILFE!

Verfasst: Montag 23. Juli 2007, 14:36
Hier eine Antwort aus der Journyx Knowledge-Base - das könnte doch was ganz ähnliches sein:

Error '80020009' after Windows 2003 install


I get this error message on the web browser screen after what seems to be a good install.

Python ActiveX Scripting Engine error '80020009'
Traceback (most recent call last): File '', line 3, in ? timesheet_axclient.handleRequest(myRequest)
File '', line 1267, in handleRequest
File '', line 104, in ?
File '', line 38, in ?
RuntimeError: Unable to load the Journyx Timesheet config file. Check that the file exists and has the correct access permissions, or contact Journyx Support. ?, line 0

What is wrong? What can I do to fix this issue?

This is a known issue that deals with some Windows Server 2003 permissions issues.

Here is what you need to do to resolve the issue:

1. Identify the IUSR_ account. Your server has an account named IUSR_ mahinename . You must identify this account. If your machine is named HENRY (for instance) it will usually be named IUSR_HENRY. However, if you rename your machine, the IUSR_ account is not changed, so you can use this procedure to identify the account if there is any doubt. Go to Start - Settings - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management. From there, go to System Tools - Local Users and Groups - Users. Find the account name that begins with IUSR_.

2. Find the Journyx installation directory on the server. In a Windows Explorer window, find the Journyx installation directory. By default it is C:\Program Files\Journyx.

3. Add 'Full Control' permissions for IUSR_ to the file named 'config' Within the Journyx directory, you should see a file named 'config'. We want to add a permission entry to this file. a. Right-click on the config file and select Properties. b. Click Security. c. Click Add... d. Click Locations... e. Select your local computer (not the domain, if any.) f. Make sure the 'From this location' box has your local computer name. g. Type IUSR_ machinename

(Replace that with the actual account name found in step 1 above.) h. Click OK. It will alert you if the account is not valid. i. You should now be back at the Security panel, and 'Internet Guest Account' should be highlighted. j. In the permissions boxes below, make sure to check 'Full Control'. k. Click OK to apply the settings.

4. Add 'Full Control' permissions for IUSR_ to the file named 'config.lock' Follow the same procedure listed in step 3, except do this for the file named 'config.lock' in the same Journyx directory.

5. Add 'Full Control' permissions for IUSR_ to the directory jwt\htdocs. Follow the same procedure listed in step 3, except do this for the DIRECTORY called jwt\htdocs (under the main Journyx directory.)

6. Go back to the Computer Management window mentioned in step 1.

7. Go to Services and Applications - Services.

8. Find the 'World Wide Web Publishing Service'. Right-click on it and click Restart. It will also warn you that it will restart the Journyx Timesheet 5.5 service. Click OK to do that.

9. You may now try logging into the Journyx web page. Start - Programs - Journyx Timesheet - Journyx Timesheet (Login) If you get a 'Service may be offline' Journyx error screen, try waiting a moment and then click the Reload button in your browser. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Let us know if this does not solve the problem for you.

Meistens haben Probleme unter Win2003 etwas mit Berechtigungen zu tun.

Viel Spaß mit Journyx!