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Verfasst: Samstag 24. März 2007, 20:51
von Costi
wie immer nur rudimentaer getestet un ohne gwaehr :D
feedback wilkommen

Code: Alles auswählen

#!/usr/bin/env python
#date: Mar 24 2007
#description: warrant that a file containing a html redirect to your (dynamic) ip is mantained via ftp

import urllib
import getpass
import ftplib
from time import sleep

class DummyFile(object):
	def __init__(self, str):
		self.str = str.splitlines()
	def readline(self):
		if not self.str:
			return ''
		return self.str.pop()

host = raw_input('domain: ')
user = raw_input('login: ')
pwd = getpass.getpass()
file = raw_input('file: ')
port = raw_input('redirect port (default 80): ')
if not port:
	port = '80'

if '/' in file:
	z = file.split('/')
	path = '/'.join(z[0:-1])
	file = z[-1]
	print path, file
	path = None

my_ip_prev = ''
erste_runde = True
while True:
	print 'refreshing'
	my_ip = urllib.urlopen('').read()[76:-16]
	if my_ip != my_ip_prev:
		print 'your ip:', my_ip
		f = ftplib.FTP(host)
		f.login(user, pwd)
		if path:	
		if not erste_runde:
		f.storlines('STOR ' + file, DummyFile("""<html>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://%s:%s">
<a href=http://%s:%s>click here</a>
</HTML>""" % (my_ip, port, my_ip, port)
	my_ip_prev = my_ip
	erste_runde = False
	sleep(60 * 10)