linux: FireFox Doppelte Bookmarks Entferner

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Beiträge: 123
Registriert: Donnerstag 9. Februar 2006, 21:41
Wohnort: Wien, Österreich

worauf die Welt wahrscheinlich (nicht) gewartet hat:

Deieses Skript entfernt doppelte Bookmarks im Firefox.
Firefox muß geschlossen sein, Script läuft derzeit nur unter Linux.
Weiß jemand wie ich unter python feststellen kann ob gerade ein Firefox läuft (und ihn ggf beenden kann) ?

Code: Alles auswählen

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
# FirefoxBookmarkSorter
# written 9/2006 by Horst JENS (
# This program is under the GPL License
# Make sure to close FireFox before running this script. Only run on linux. Tested on Ubuntu Dapper.

import os
import shutil

def urlinside(string):
    """ check if a string contain a url """
    if 'HREF="http' in string:
        return True
        return False

if != 'posix': # Linux ?
    raise SystemExit, "no-linux Operations System detected. Yuk !"
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"],".mozilla","firefox")):
    print "i found the hidden firefox directory"
    raise SystemExit, "no ~/.mozilla/firefox directory found. Bye !"
#--- start of program ------
firefoxdir = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], '.mozilla', 'firefox')
bookmarkdirlist = []
for rootdir, dirlist, filelist in os.walk(firefoxdir): #--- recursive scan for filenames
    for fileitem in filelist: # fileitem is my own word, "file" is a reserved word !!
        if fileitem == "bookmarks.html":
            bookmarkdirlist.append(os.path.join(firefoxdir, rootdir, "bookmarks.html"))
for bookmarkfile in bookmarkdirlist: # process each firefox profile
    print "processing " + bookmarkfile  #--- processing each bookmark file 
    shutil.copyfile(bookmarkfile, bookmarkfile + ".old") # make backup copy
    num = 0
    f = file(bookmarkfile,'r')
    kopf = ""
    kopfinarbeit = True
    schwanz = ""
    schwanzinarbeit = False
    myfile = {} # a directory of {url:string} for nearly all of the file where string are the lines of the file
    mynums = {} # a directory of {num:string} where string is the url for myfile to sort the lines of the file
    while  True:
        line = f.readline()
        num += 1
        if len(line)==0:
            break # end of file
        if "</DL><p>" in line:
            if kopfinarbeit:
                kopf = kopf + line
                kopfinarbeit = False
                schwanz = schwanz + line 
                schwanzinarbeit = True
            if kopfinarbeit:
                kopf = kopf + line
            elif schwanzinarbeit:
                schwanz = schwanz + line
            else:     #--- normal line
                if urlinside(line): # a key (the url) is hidden in this line ! now extract it
                    for junkstring in line.split(" "):
                        if urlinside(junkstring): # that is my url !
                            if not myfile.has_key(junkstring):
                                mynums[num] = junkstring # the url is new, give it a line number
                            myfile[junkstring] = line # add a new url:textline(s) pair to myfile
                else: # this line contains no url at all and should be added to the last value
                    if len(myfile) > 0:
                        myfile[junkstring] = myfile[junkstring] + line
                    else: kopf += line #add this boring line to the head
    f.close() # close the file (no more reading)
    #--- now writing ---
    f = file(bookmarkfile,'w')
    for x in range(1, num +1):
        if mynums.has_key(x):
    print "bookmarkfile changed. old bookmarkfile saved as bookmarkfile.old"
print "Ready. You can restart Firefox now."