autopep8 testen/einrichten

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Python-Forum Veteran
Beiträge: 8502
Registriert: Dienstag 10. August 2004, 09:40
Wohnort: duisburg

Hier was gehacktes damit man rausfinden kann, welche "Fixes" man von autopep8 nicht möchte:

Code: Alles auswählen

import autopep8

def list_fixes(only_fixes=None):
    if only_fixes is not None:
        only_fixes = [fix.strip() for fix in only_fixes.split(",")]
        print "List fixes %s:\n" % ", ".join(only_fixes)
        print "List of all existing fixes:\n"

    for code, description in sorted(autopep8.supported_fixes()):
        if only_fixes is not None and code not in only_fixes:
        print('"{code}", # {description}'.format(
            code=code, description=description))

import os,sys

import onw_module1,onw_module2

class Foo(object):
    a doc string
    def menu_event_about(self):
#         deactivated_line=True
        tkMessageBox.showinfo("DragonPy", # A comment
            "DragonPy the OpenSource emulator written in python.\\n"
            "more info:"

        log.error("%04x| write $%02x to $%04x -> PIA 0 A side Data reg.\t|%s",
            op_address, value, address, self.cfg.mem_info.get_shortest(op_address)

if __name__ == '__main__':
#         level=1 # hardcore debug ;)
#         level=10 # DEBUG
#         level=20 # INFO
#         level=30 # WARNING
#         level=40 # ERROR
        level=50  # CRITICAL/FATAL

print "="*79

    #~ "E101", # Reindent all lines.
    #~ "E112", # Fix under-indented comments.
    #~ "E113", # Fix over-indented comments.
    "E115", # Fix under-indented comments.
    #~ "E116", # Fix over-indented comments.
    #~ "E121", # Fix a badly indented line.
    #~ "E122", # Fix a badly indented line.
    #~ "E123", # Fix a badly indented line.
    "E124", # Fix a badly indented line.
    #~ "E125", # Fix indentation undistinguish from the next logical line.
    #~ "E126", # Fix a badly indented line.
    #~ "E127", # Fix a badly indented line.
    "E128", # Fix a badly indented line.
    #~ "E129", # Fix a badly indented line.
    #~ "E201", # Remove extraneous whitespace.
    #~ "E202", # Remove extraneous whitespace.
    #~ "E203", # Remove extraneous whitespace.
    #~ "E211", # Remove extraneous whitespace.
    #~ "E221", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
    #~ "E222", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
    #~ "E223", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
    #~ "E224", # Remove extraneous whitespace around operator.
    #~ "E225", # Fix missing whitespace around operator.
    #~ "E226", # Fix missing whitespace around operator.
    #~ "E227", # Fix missing whitespace around operator.
    #~ "E228", # Fix missing whitespace around operator.
    #~ "E231", # Add missing whitespace.
    #~ "E231", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
    #~ "E241", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
    #~ "E242", # Remove extraneous whitespace around operator.
    #~ "E251", # Remove whitespace around parameter '=' sign.
    #~ "E261", # Fix spacing after comment hash.
    #~ "E262", # Fix spacing after comment hash.
    "E265", # Format block comments.
    #~ "E271", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
    #~ "E272", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
    #~ "E273", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
    #~ "E274", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
    "E301", # Add missing blank line.
    #~ "E302", # Add missing 2 blank lines.
    #~ "E303", # Remove extra blank lines.
    #~ "E304", # Remove blank line following function decorator.
    "E309", # Add missing blank line.
    #~ "E401", # Put imports on separate lines.
    "E501", # Try to make lines fit within --max-line-length characters.
    #~ "E502", # Remove extraneous escape of newline.
    #~ "E701", # Put colon-separated compound statement on separate lines.
    #~ "E702", # Put semicolon-separated compound statement on separate lines.
    #~ "E703", # Put semicolon-separated compound statement on separate lines.
    #~ "E711", # Fix comparison with None.
    #~ "E712", # Fix comparison with boolean.
    #~ "E713", # Fix non-membership check.
    #~ "E721", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
    #~ "W291", # Remove trailing whitespace.
    #~ "W601", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
    #~ "W602", # Fix deprecated form of raising exception.
    #~ "W603", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
    #~ "W604", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
    #~ "W690", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).

print "\nExclude theses fixes to format the following code:"
print " -"*39
print autopep8.fix_code(TEST_CODE,
        #~ '--aggressive',

print "="*79
list_fixes() # List all existing fixes
print "="*79

Ausgabe in diesem Fall sieht so aus:

Code: Alles auswählen

List fixes E115, E124, E128, E265, E301, E309, E501:

"E115", # Fix under-indented comments.
"E124", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E128", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E265", # Format block comments.
"E301", # Add missing blank line.
"E309", # Add missing blank line.
"E501", # Try to make lines fit within --max-line-length characters.

Exclude theses fixes to format the following code:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

import os
import sys

import onw_module1
import onw_module2

class Foo(object):
    a doc string
    def menu_event_about(self):
#         deactivated_line=True
        tkMessageBox.showinfo("DragonPy",  # A comment
            "DragonPy the OpenSource emulator written in python.\n"
            "more info:"

        log.error("%04x| write $%02x to $%04x -> PIA 0 A side Data reg.	|%s",
            op_address, value, address, self.cfg.mem_info.get_shortest(op_address)

if __name__ == '__main__':
#         level=1 # hardcore debug ;)
#         level=10 # DEBUG
#         level=20 # INFO
#         level=30 # WARNING
#         level=40 # ERROR
        level=50  # CRITICAL/FATAL

List of all existing fixes:

"E101", # Reindent all lines.
"E112", # Fix under-indented comments.
"E113", # Fix over-indented comments.
"E115", # Fix under-indented comments.
"E116", # Fix over-indented comments.
"E121", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E122", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E123", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E124", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E125", # Fix indentation undistinguish from the next logical line.
"E126", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E127", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E128", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E129", # Fix a badly indented line.
"E201", # Remove extraneous whitespace.
"E202", # Remove extraneous whitespace.
"E203", # Remove extraneous whitespace.
"E211", # Remove extraneous whitespace.
"E221", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
"E222", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
"E223", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
"E224", # Remove extraneous whitespace around operator.
"E225", # Fix missing whitespace around operator.
"E226", # Fix missing whitespace around operator.
"E227", # Fix missing whitespace around operator.
"E228", # Fix missing whitespace around operator.
"E231", # Add missing whitespace.
"E231", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
"E241", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
"E242", # Remove extraneous whitespace around operator.
"E251", # Remove whitespace around parameter '=' sign.
"E261", # Fix spacing after comment hash.
"E262", # Fix spacing after comment hash.
"E265", # Format block comments.
"E271", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
"E272", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
"E273", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
"E274", # Fix extraneous whitespace around keywords.
"E301", # Add missing blank line.
"E302", # Add missing 2 blank lines.
"E303", # Remove extra blank lines.
"E304", # Remove blank line following function decorator.
"E309", # Add missing blank line.
"E401", # Put imports on separate lines.
"E501", # Try to make lines fit within --max-line-length characters.
"E502", # Remove extraneous escape of newline.
"E701", # Put colon-separated compound statement on separate lines.
"E702", # Put semicolon-separated compound statement on separate lines.
"E703", # Put semicolon-separated compound statement on separate lines.
"E711", # Fix comparison with None.
"E712", # Fix comparison with boolean.
"E713", # Fix non-membership check.
"E721", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
"W291", # Remove trailing whitespace.
"W601", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
"W602", # Fix deprecated form of raising exception.
"W603", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
"W604", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).
"W690", # Fix various deprecated code (via lib2to3).

Hintergrund ist der, das man bei der neuen PyDev Version "autopep8" nutzten kann, anstatt die PyDev eigene Formatierung. Aber so alle Regeln finde ich nicht geeignet.
z.B. "E115", # Fix under-indented comments.

Weil PyDev leider "#" für Kommentare immer am Zeilen Anfang einfügt, kommt nach der Formatierung dann das raus:

Code: Alles auswählen

class Foo(object):
    a doc string
    def menu_event_about(self):
        #         deactivated_line=True
        tkMessageBox.showinfo("DragonPy",  # A comment
s. Zeile 6

Mit dem Skript kann man halt schnell sehen, was passiert. Dazu in der IGNORE_FIXES fixes deaktivieren und vergleichen.
Evtl. muß der Beispielcode erweitert werden...

Alles nicht so schön, aber brauchbar um seien "--ignore" Liste zusammen zu bekommen...

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