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Handynummer mit Python

Verfasst: Dienstag 19. Dezember 2006, 14:30
von roth86
Hallo zusammen ich habe hier ein Python Script das MMS sendet an eine Nummer die im System definiert ist. Kann ich irgendwie auch anders die Nummer auswählen?

Code: Alles auswählen

from scrlib import *

def TestFunction( api ):

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Parameters that should be modified as per test environment.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    mig25obj = api.ImportRiteScript( 'CNF-MM1-CommonFunctions' )

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Generic Test
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    api.SetReturnMode( RETURN_EXCEPTION )

    # Exactly two devices are needed, one in MO mode; the other in MT mode.
    sendDevice1 = api.RetNxtDeviceMM1( )
    recvDevice1 = api.RetNxtDeviceMM1( )

    # Get corresponding MSISDN numbers for the devices
    msisdnS1 = api.GetMSISDN( sendDevice1 )
    msisdnR1 = api.GetMSISDN( recvDevice1 )

    #   1. Submit MM from S1 to recipient R1
    #      Containing:
    #      - TO field set to R1
    #      - Do not give Subject field.

    msgToSend = mig25obj.CreateMsgMM1SendReq ( api, msisdnS1,\
                         ToAddressList = [msisdnR1], includeHeaders = \
                         ['Subject: ' + mig25obj.normalTextSubject] )

    # Add text content to the message:
    sentTextContent = mig25obj.AddTextContent( msgToSend )

    # Send the message through sendDevice1 
    mig25obj.LogSend( api, 'MM1 Send Request', 'Device S1 ('\
                      + str( msisdnS1 ) + ') to Device R1 ('\
                      + str( msisdnR1 ) + ')' )
    api.SndMsgMM1( sendDevice1, msgToSend )

    #   2. S1 waits for Send Confirmation
    #      If there is no Send Confirmation, test fails
    mig25obj.LogWait( api, 'MM1 Send Confirm',\
                      'Device S1 ('  + str( msisdnS1 ) + ')' )
    retCode, sendConfMsg = api.WaitForMsgMM1( sendDevice1, MM1_SEND_CNF,\
                                      mig25obj.wait4SendCnfTime )

    # -----------------------------------------------------------
    # End of Test
    # -----------------------------------------------------------