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EMail Versand mit Parametern und Attachment

Verfasst: Dienstag 8. November 2005, 15:25
von Kris
Ist es möglich mit Python ein Script zu bauen das automatisch eine EMail versendet (inkl. Datenanhang - 1 TXT Datei) und die nötigen Parameter mitzugeben (Absender, Empfänger, etc. ...) ?

falls ja womit mach ich das am besten (Befehlsmäßig)



Verfasst: Dienstag 8. November 2005, 15:36
von mbierenfeld
dumdidum. erster :-)

Code: Alles auswählen


# Copyright 2000 by Philippe Possemiers (
# This script works together with the 'motion' program, written by Jeroen Vreeken and 
# can be activated with his '-E' option (or through '/etc/motion.conf'). It mails the pictures 
# that were generated to a predefined e-mail address. A dial-up connection is established 
# when needed and is also properly closed afterwards.
# Change the variables in 'init' to match your setup.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). 

import string, sys, types, tempfile, time, os
import mimetypes,mimetools,MimeWriter 
import smtplib, shutil

class SmtpWriter: 

	def __init__(self): 
		#The mail server
		self.__server = ''   
		#From address
		self.__fromAddress = ''  
		#To Address
		self.__toAddress = ''
		self.__subject = 'Some fitting subject'
		#Body text. This can be empty.
		self.__body = 'Some text' 
		#The directory in which the images are saved (see /etc/motion.conf). 
		#!!!There should be no subdirectories in this directory!!!
		#The path should be ended with a slash(/)
		self.__imageDir = '/Some_directory/'  
		#The directory to which the images are moved after being sent (otherwise all of them would be sent every time)
		#The path should be ended with a slash(/)
		self.__ImageDirMoved = '/Some_directory2/'  
	def Message(self, sender="", subject="", recipient="", body="", attachments=[]): 
		tempFileName = tempfile.mktemp() 
		tempFile = open(tempFileName,'wb') 
		message = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(tempFile) 
		message.addheader("To", recipient) 
		message.addheader("Subject", subject) 
		submessage = message.nextpart() 
		fp = submessage.startbody('text/plain') 
		for attachFile in attachments: 
			fileName = attachFile
			submessage = message.nextpart() 
			submessage.addheader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=%s" % fileName) 
			ctype,prog = mimetypes.guess_type(fileName) 
			enctype = 'base64'
			fp = submessage.startbody(ctype) 
			afp = open(self.__imageDir + fileName,'rb') 
			mimetools.encode(afp, fp, enctype) 
		return tempFileName
	def getImages(self):
		time.sleep(5)  #Wait for some more pictures
		attachList  =  os.listdir(self.__imageDir)
		return attachList

	def sendMessage(self):
		aList = self.getImages()
		if len(aList) > 0:
			message = self.Message(self.__fromAddress, self.__subject, self.__toAddress, self.__body, self.getImages())
			for f1 in aList:
				shutil.copy(self.__imageDir + f1, self.__imageDirMoved)
			for f2 in aList:
				os.remove(self.__imageDir + f2)
			sendFile = open(message, 'r')
			sendString =
			o = os.system('/etc/ppp/ppp-on &')
			k = os.system('netstat -rn | grep -F pp0')
			while(k != 0) :
				k = os.system('netstat -rn | grep -F pp0')
			time.sleep(5)  #Give mailserver some time
				server = smtplib.SMTP(self.__server) 
				server.sendmail(self.__fromAddress, self.__toAddress, sendString) 
				print "SmptWriter: Message sent\n"
				o = os.system('/etc/ppp/ppp-off &')

writer =  SmtpWriter()


Verfasst: Dienstag 8. November 2005, 15:44
von Kris
was soll ich sagen ...
danke sehr =)

ist zwar ein wenig komplex aber mal schauen was ich wie gebrauchen kann :P

Verfasst: Dienstag 8. November 2005, 17:12
von Leonidas
Kris hat geschrieben:ist zwar ein wenig komplex aber mal schauen was ich wie gebrauchen kann :P
Gerold hat dazu auch schon ein Modul geschrieben, kannst es dir ja mal ansehen.