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Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Mittwoch 28. Oktober 2015, 12:48


ich habe pyusb verwenden wollen und es geschah folgendes:

Code: Alles auswählen

>>> runfile('/home/rfr/workspace/python/', wdir=r'/home/rfr/workspace/python')
DEVICE ID 1a86:5512 on Bus 003 Address 005 =================
 bLength                :   0x12 (18 bytes)
 bDescriptorType        :    0x1 Device
 bcdUSB                 :  0x110 USB 1.1
 bDeviceClass           :   0xff Vendor-specific
 bDeviceSubClass        :    0x0
 bDeviceProtocol        :    0x2
 bMaxPacketSize0        :    0x8 (8 bytes)
 idVendor               : 0x1a86
 idProduct              : 0x5512
 bcdDevice              :  0x304 Device 3.04
 iManufacturer          :    0x0 
 iProduct               :    0x0 
 iSerialNumber          :    0x0 
 bNumConfigurations     :    0x1
  CONFIGURATION 1: 96 mA ===================================
   bLength              :    0x9 (9 bytes)
   bDescriptorType      :    0x2 Configuration
   wTotalLength         :   0x27 (39 bytes)
   bNumInterfaces       :    0x1
   bConfigurationValue  :    0x1
   iConfiguration       :    0x0 
   bmAttributes         :   0x80 Bus Powered
   bMaxPower            :   0x30 (96 mA)
    INTERFACE 0: Vendor Specific ===========================
     bLength            :    0x9 (9 bytes)
     bDescriptorType    :    0x4 Interface
     bInterfaceNumber   :    0x0
     bAlternateSetting  :    0x0
     bNumEndpoints      :    0x3
     bInterfaceClass    :   0xff Vendor Specific
     bInterfaceSubClass :    0x1
     bInterfaceProtocol :    0x2
     iInterface         :    0x0 
      ENDPOINT 0x82: Bulk IN ===============================
       bLength          :    0x7 (7 bytes)
       bDescriptorType  :    0x5 Endpoint
       bEndpointAddress :   0x82 IN
       bmAttributes     :    0x2 Bulk
       wMaxPacketSize   :   0x20 (32 bytes)
       bInterval        :    0x0
      ENDPOINT 0x2: Bulk OUT ===============================
       bLength          :    0x7 (7 bytes)
       bDescriptorType  :    0x5 Endpoint
       bEndpointAddress :    0x2 OUT
       bmAttributes     :    0x2 Bulk
       wMaxPacketSize   :   0x20 (32 bytes)
       bInterval        :    0x0
      ENDPOINT 0x81: Interrupt IN ==========================
       bLength          :    0x7 (7 bytes)
       bDescriptorType  :    0x5 Endpoint
       bEndpointAddress :   0x81 IN
       bmAttributes     :    0x3 Interrupt
       wMaxPacketSize   :    0x8 (8 bytes)
       bInterval        :    0x1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/", line 540, in runfile
    execfile(filename, namespace)
  File "/home/rfr/workspace/python/", line 17, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/", line 799, in set_configuration
    self._ctx.managed_set_configuration(self, configuration)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/", line 127, in managed_set_configuration
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/", line 105, in managed_open
    self.handle = self.backend.open_device(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/backend/", line 722, in open_device
    return _DeviceHandle(dev)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/backend/", line 600, in __init__
    _check(_lib.libusb_open(self.devid, byref(self.handle)))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/backend/", line 552, in _check
    raise USBError(_strerror(ret), ret, _libusb_errno[ret])
usb.core.USBError: [Errno 13] Access denied (insufficient permissions)
demliegt der folgende code zugrunde:

Code: Alles auswählen

import usb.core
import usb.util

    # find our device
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x1a86, idProduct=0x5512)

print dev

# was it found?
if dev is None:
    raise ValueError('Device not found')
print 'EINS'
# set the active configuration. With no arguments, the first
# configuration will be the active one
print 'ZWEI'

# get an endpoint instance
cfg = dev.get_active_configuration()
intf = cfg[(0,0)]

ep = usb.util.find_descriptor(
    # match the first OUT endpoint
    custom_match = \
    lambda e: \
        usb.util.endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == \

assert ep is not None

# write the data
Der Code kommt aus der docu von pyusb. Mir ist nicht klar, wer hier wem welche Permission nicht erteilt und wie ich das ändern kann.

System ist Linux.


Zuletzt geändert von Anonymous am Mittwoch 28. Oktober 2015, 13:41, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Quelltext in Python-Code-Tags gesetzt.